
How To Avoid Being A Victim Of The US9524901144737 USPS Scam

Recently, there was a clever phishing effort whereby cybercriminals passed for the US Postal Service or USPS. This specific kind of fraud persuades customers to turn over their personal data by using what looks to be a real tracking number, Us95249011447 in America. This article will investigate this specific fraud and discuss how it operates together with some of the advice meant to help one avoid this kind of fraud.

Context 9524901144737 Us

9524901144737 is another instance of a USB-based scam that occurred after 2016. USPS scam: This is a straightforward fraud where a tracking number is used to pose as the USPS. Users are directed to a phoney website to modify their address when they receive spam emails about a shipment that cannot be delivered since it does not exist. Getting a user’s identification and other sensitive financial information is the major goal. People can avoid falling for the scams by recognizing these characteristics of it and learning not to click on the links that are shared.

What Knowledge Is There Regarding a USPS Text Scam?

The USPS SMS scam is another example of fraud which victims are tricked into sending personal information in an effort to resolve a delivery problem. Cybercriminals need to fool individuals into clicking on a specific link, and they accomplish this by spreading phoney emails or texts that seem urgent.

Is US9524901144737 a Valid Tracking Number for the USPS?

Not at all The tracking number provided by the USPS is not the same as this one. Scammers utilise phone identities like these to trick people into talking to them about a parcel delivery, but their attempts are unsuccessful. These are typically notifications informing the recipient that there is an issue with the delivery of their package and instructing them to click on a link to a fraudulent website that appears to be using the same address as the USPS. Therefore, in order to prevent using bogus tracking codes, the most trustworthy method of tracking the numbers is to enter them on the official USPS website.

How Does the USPS Scam US9524901144737 Operate?

There is a pattern that the USPS fraud adheres to. They begin with the recipient receiving a text message or email. Following this, they assert that a shipment meant for them was not delivered to them due to an unspecified problem. The fraudulent USPS tracking number, US9524901144737, is used in the message to give the con more legitimacy.

Following that, recipients are directed to click on a link to confirm or amend their address details in order to allow for redelivery. But when they click on the link, it takes them to a phoney USPS website where their financial and personal data is stolen. Under the pretense of rescheduling the delivery, the website asks victims for personal information including their name, address, and phone number.

How Can I Identify the USPS Scam US9524901144737?

The US9524901144737 scam is quite devious, however, it’s not if you recognize these red flags:

Unexpected Package: Take caution—if the time of your package varies, fraudsters may be at work.

Greeting Text: When scammers text you, they don’t use your real name. They greet you with “Dear Customer” in texts.

Message of Urgency: The con artists fabricate an emergency requiring an early rescheduling of your delivery.

Scam Links: Sometimes, people will give you fake links that they say take you to the real website. These links are not from, though. So make sure you look over the links very carefully before you click on them.

Scam Email Addresses: is the real address for USPS email. Scammers, on the other hand, use emails like these to send you notes.

Information about yourself: The real USPS will need to know about you in order to fix problems with your account online.

Language and Grammar Mistakes: Scammers’ letters often have language and grammar mistakes. These could be spelling or grammar mistakes.

Is the USPS tracking number US9524901144737 real?

It’s pretty clear that this is the case since US9524901144737 is not a real tracking number for the USPS. Fraudsters make fake tracking numbers that look like real ones so that people will think their package is on its way.

We don’t know about 9524901144737 USPS shipping scam

If you want to spot the US9524901144737 USPS scam, here are some red flags:

General greetings: The writer of a real scam or phishing email will usually start by saying something like, “Dear customer” or something else similar.

A sense of urgency: Messages often leave an impression of urgency that forces the receivers to act quickly.

Links that look sketchy: The links in messages take people to odd websites instead of the official USPS website.

Asking for personal information: On these fake sites, they get people to put their personal information so they can reschedule the delivery.

If You Accidentally Typed in Personal Information

Imagine that you put in your real information on a fake USPS website. Then it’s very important to act right away to protect yourself: If you have put in your personal information on a fake USPS website, you need to protect yourself right away by:

Get in touch with your banking institutions: Contact your bank, credit card company, or any other issuer right away about the servicing of an account that might be fraudulent, and look over your records for transactions that don’t seem right.

Set up fraud alerts: To set up a fraud alert on your credit files, you need to contact one of the big credit bureaus.

Check your credit reports: You should also check your credit report often to see if it lists any debts you didn’t have.

Change your passwords: If you used the same password for the bogus website and any other account, change it right away.

File reports: You should notify the Federal Trade Commission and the local police.

Watch out for other scams: Be as vigilant as possible and keep an eye out for any subsequent attempts to obtain your records.


The US9524901144737 USPS hoax recommends that one should pause and ponder before responding to any message received on the internet. People should always pay attention to the origins of incoming messages and websites. After that, double-check to see if they are authentic or just another scam designed to defraud people. Never provide personal or financial information through unverified means. Staying aware about typical scams and taking preventative measures to protect personal information.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our CompanyThe number is 9524901144737.

Q1. Is the tracking number US9524901144737 authentic?

The number provided is fraudulent and commonly used in fraudulent activities. It is advisable to verify tracking numbers directly on the official USPS website.

Q2. What would happen if I clicked on the link and inputted my personal information?

Promptly reach out to your bank, modify your passwords, and notify the authorities about the event.

Q3. What are the indicators of a fraudulent message impersonating USPS?

Search for generic salutations, time-sensitive appeals, dubious hyperlinks, and solicitations for personal data.

Q4. Should I believe a fraud is occurring, what should I do?

Respected response Ignore clicking on any links or any information; delete the message, and report it as phishing.

Q5. How can I avoid such frauds personally?

Keep yourself updated about typical frauds, check links and messages, and never forward personal information until you are absolutely sure the recipient is real.

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