
I Found A Reason To Buy Android Wear – Finally

You must have seen the pictures of all the fun we had when we went for a company-wide conference outside of Atlanta. We were mostly busy attending meetings and discussing important stuff. Even then we managed to take out time for some exciting stuff. Visualize the tech bloggers in a boat enjoying the open bar and the games on Xbox. Many companies go for such summits.

We didn’t stop doing other things though. The Android crew at home really did a brilliant job and rescued us mostly. It does not mean that everything stopped just because we were out of town. Although we were away but people like me cannot fully stay away from the inbox. I do not care about the emails when I am not working but if I am at work, I have to check out my emails all day which means that I am stuck with my desktop. Although we were away but we had to keep a track of everything that was happening in the daytime while AC was in Atlantis, otherwise we would have missed a lot and hence left far behind. This is when my Huawei Watch came to the rescue.

Maybe when Google starts building wearables that have built in face and object recognition, they might become a bit moree useful. Time will tell.

It was extremely easy for me to check my email right from the wrist just after 15 minutes of our first presentation. The commander-in-chief of Mobile Nations’, Kevin Michaluk, was giving a presentation on exciting new things. If I had to use the laptop or even my phone then I am sure I would have missed a lot of thrilling stuff as he is brilliant with everything Blackberry and whiteboard. I did not want to be the person sitting in the first row but not really paying attention especially in the presence of bosses. I could easily check my wrist watch though when it buzzed gently without disturbing anybody and without letting anybody know. It was super easy for me to swipe away anything that wasn’t important.

That being said, I really do not understand why people obsess over smart watches. I do not like using a small screen but it wouldn’t be wrong to say that my Huawei Watch really helped me in staying up to date for some days in Atlanta. I will definitely use it again if I need to concentrate in a conference but also need to keep tabs on my emails.

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