
Smart Ways In Which Real Estate Portals Are Blending Technology

There is a large portion of the population who deny to the fact that the gap between technology and real estate. But to all prove these wrong, is here. The website is itself a benchmark for all other existing websites out there, how should a company bridge the gap between technology and the business. enables the user to use the website, around the go, from any platform whether it is a computer, PC or mobile. The website is so designed that it is compatible to any platform, which includes the above mentioned, and adapts itself to the device’s specification and type. The website is in itself very intuitive and easy to use, and any person with not much knowledge of computing will feel at home.

Mobile app: a mini computer version

The mobile application covers every feature the website can offer, and therefore is rightly set as a mini computer, the power of computer in palm. The application can be downloaded from the native mobile apps store, being almost every major platform covered including Android and iOS, and the instructions are clearly mentioned on the website too. The process to download the application is just like you would install WhatsApp or Facebook.

With a few slides from here and from there, you will be able to navigate from one section to other. Entering in the search query and tapping on the search button will land you on the listings page. If you want to dive in deeper and find just what you are looking for. You will just have to opt for the options as per your requirements and tap of the apply button.

Portability and conveyance

Because of the light sized and less resource hungry nature of application, one will never want to uninstall it from their phone due to the same reason. Mobile applications from other publishers will slow down your phone, but due to the code being slimmed and trimmed down to keep what is necessary, the application will not hamper your phone’s performance by even a bit.

The users can also use the GPS functionality on their mobile to get real time navigation to the house for sale in Panchkula they were looking for. No roaming around here and there to find the property they were going to pay a visit to. mobile application will provide you with full list of available properties, but the person needs to have data connection enabled.


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